Friday, April 16, 2010

Bento #29 and a Giveaway!

Sorry this pic is a little crooked and so are the boxes.  Last night we took a breather!  I didn't go to Zumba.  It was amazing!  I had supper cooked, dishes washed, 3 lunches packed, 2 kiddos bathed and ready for bed, all by 7:45pm!!!  The hubby got home about that time and we all relaxed in the living room for a movie! 

This bento consists of a Frogwich with fruit leather cutouts on top, Strawberry hearts, Broccoli and ranch, Kolby Jack cheese flowers, and a granola bar all packed in the Laptop Lunchbox!

The Vintage Pearl is having a great Giveaway today!  Check out her Blog!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frogwich, I love it! So cute :D