I forgot to take a picture of this new box I found at the Sanrio store in San Antonio this weekend. Kylee loved it. It is Hello Kitty and has a fork/spoon holder in the lid. They had lots of bento boxes, but they were kind of expensive.

Ham and Mustard Sandwich
Grape Kabobs
Cheese Bats
Mini Club Crackers
and Candy Corn
And today was picture day! Kylee actually ASKED to go to the mall yesterday after her doctors appointment to get a new outfit for picture day. Well she HATES shopping and I have NEVER had her ASK to go shopping or get new clothes, so of course I had to take her! I wanted her to get some color since this is the headshot picture, but she was stuck on this outfit that she picked out the pieces to. I thought she was adorable! It was kinda dark this am. Hopefully I can get a photo shoot out of her in it some other time.