Sorry guys, I havent been updating my blog like I used to. I am officially addicted to Facebook!! I have reconnected with so many people. Its so neat! So, if you are on there and we arent "friends", let me know!!! I've been putting pics on there, so if you're missing us, join Facebook! You will love it!
Kylee will start school in a week and a half :( She is so excited! We have all her school supplies and school clothes bought. So be praying for us on Monday, August 24th (mainly ME) that everything goes smoothly. She will be an All Star Cheerleader this year. She cant wait to start that also. She is still riding her horse. She is trying Smokey out lately. We took him to the playday last weekend and she got 5th in poles and 6th in straight aways. She is having so much fun with it!
Clancy is growing fast! He had his first ear infection last week. He weighed in at 15lbs and 15oz. He is crawling EVERYWHERE! It is hilarious. He thinks he is so funny, crawlin so fast! He is standing up on everything and trying to let go and balance. I cant believe he will be 9months old on the 28th!!! I started planning his birthday already (you know me, its gotta be awesome!) :(
Well, ta ta for now...keep in touch! Enjoy the pics!

Kylee's New Playday "Do"
Kylee on Smokey

Clancer playin around the house
Clancer on the rockin horse (Thanks Uncle Gaige!)

Clancer on the stick horse (Thanks Jenna!)

Kylee GRC Awards Banquet