Gran, Jess, Joli, Jacy, Kylee and Myself all went to Disney on Ice at the HOT Coliseum on Sunday afternoon. Kylee couldn't wait to see Cinderella. The girls had tons of fun! The real action was afterwards at McAllister's Deli. "Somehow" a bottle of Tabasco Sauce was dropped and broken on the floor and ended up all over Kylee's shirt. (This was after Jacy's drink was on the floor and most of her lunch.) Well, the entire way home, Kylee made me leave her window rolled down cuz she couldn't stand to smell herself. When we got home, she wanted to change her clothes and go see Mema. I told her she would still smell, unless she took a bath. Next thing I know she comes running out of her room screaming about her face burning. Well, she attempted to take off her shirt by herself and got the Tabasco sauce on her face. So then we rushed into the bathtub to stop the burning. She eventually settled down and was able to make it to Mema's before Zakkary left. Thank goodness.